The Alpha Blog

Decoding Alpha: Where Data Science Meets Wall Street.

Dark Pools Illuminated

Dark pools are an alternative trading system (ATS) that allows institutional investors to conduct massive trades without disclosing details on the public exchange unless executed. They are legal and regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission under Regulation ATS of …

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ETF Arbitrage: How It Works

ETF Arbitrage is a strategy through which traders earn a profit by exploiting the price discrepancy between an ETF and its underlying assets or related securities. This process eventually results in an equilibrium price as the ETF shares’ value converges …

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Volatility Arbitrage: Overview & Concerns

Volatility Arbitrage is a form of statistical arbitrage used in options trading. This trading technique exploits the difference between an option’s implied volatility and the underlying asset’s actual volatility. Vol Arb is usually implemented in a delta-neutral portfolio that includes …

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